Teaching them how to can fruits and vegetables so the excess produce they have doesn’t go to waste.

Teaching them how to can fruits and vegetables so the excess produce they have doesn’t go to waste.


Puppies with a Purpose was started to support humanitarian endeavors in multiple African countries.  Proceeds from Puppies with a Purpose fund school construction and student sponsorships in Kenya. In Zimbabwe, proceeds fund under resourced African entrepreneurs to start small business.  We fund a 10 week training course for the entrepreneurs and provide capital to business savings groups of 5 entrepreneurs each.  Investing in these business savings groups enables the Africans to create sustainable income for their families and leads to economic transformation in their rural villages. 



GraduAtion Day

Once they complete the 10 week training, they can then get a loan to begin the business of their choosing. These loans are repayable and then can be used to help the next graduating class.



Here is an example of a “store” that this woman started with the loan from her savings group. She is showing off her record keeping book that she was taught in the training program. You can tell from her smile just how proud she is of this accomplishment. She can now earn some money to feed her family.


Pre school

This savings group helped this woman start her own pre-school.



One family used their loan from the savings group to purchase and raise rabbits. They can both sell for profit and use them to feed their family.


Butchering day

We are showing them how to butcher a pig and use every part of it for something useful.


glass shop

Moses is an entrepreneur who started a glass shop and supplies glass for a nearby welder who makes steel windows. The welding shop is another business in the same business savings group. Moses’ logo shirt was embroidered by yet another entrepreneur in the savings group whose sewing shop is right next door to Moses’ glass shop. Moses’ smile communicates his gratitude for the opportunity he’s been given to develop a sustainable business.


Heritage academy

Many, many children now attending a school that was not there 10 years ago. These children would have grown up with no education and no chance to better themselves. When the parents are not educated, they cannot teach their children even basics of numbers and alphabet, then the child cannot pass the basic entry exam for public schools in Kenya. The cycle has been stopped and they are SO, SO grateful for a chance to have an education.


child sponsorship

Here are 4 of the students in the school that we support. To say that they are grateful for an education is more than an understatement. They value that more than food and clothes. The uniforms provided them are for some of them the only clothes they have.